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How to share your mobile screen easily with share screen?

How to share your mobile screen easily with share screen?

You can easily share your mobile screen with a share screen.
Today there are only a few people who don’t use smartphones. But often senior citizens do not understand how to use a smartphone. Sometimes small changes in phone settings create big problems. In such a case, the first thing that we try to do is fix the phone on our own. But always it is a big disappointment
The next step we take is to fix the phone with the help of a trustee techie friend. Even if the phone has problems that a tech-savvy person can easily fix, we may not realize the instructions they give.

Particularly when looking at the options in the settings of the phone, each phone has its options and the phrases of icons may be different. But today many applications help you understand someone’s instructions by showing them on your screen.

How to try the share screen option on your phone ..?

Most video support applications have this option. Google Meet, Zoom and Telegram etc can all be used for this.

It can be utilized in all online classes and meetings when any kind of presentation is required. This allows someone else to view your phone’s entire screen on their phone.

This is very simple if you share the screen using Telegram for example. To do this, open the application and then select the contact you want to share the screen with and make a voice call.

When the call is finished, click on the share screen button below and then you will see a message related to screen sharing.

Please allow this. Click the Start Now button.

You can start sharing your phone screen with someone else’s phone. Accordingly, you can fix up the phone to the instructions they provide.

Other than Telegram, video calling apps also have share screens. By sharing a screen like this, any information on your phone can be easily accessed by someone else. But this can be done only with your permission. You can also turn off screen sharing using the Shop Now button whenever you need to stop screen sharing.

Share Screen is a great feature that can be used very usefully in times of need.
Benefits of Screen Sharing Features.

For more click the video


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